Castro Valley Virtual Academy Home
"Students have different learning styles. Students have different family situations. Students have different social interactions. Students have different goals and aspirations." -- CVVA Parent

"CVVA allows students to learn in a way that is most meaningful to them." -- CVVA Parent

"Attending CVVA gives a student the opportunity to learn in an environment that supports their individual circumstances." -- CVVA parent
"One of the wonderful things about CVVA has been the classroom setting. Teachers are readily available. Students who want extra help with understanding a topic can get one-on-one support from the teacher." -- CVVA Parent
"CVVA does a great job of working with each student and family in assuring that specific educational goals are set and are being met." -- CVVA Parent

"Working online has given our student the flexibility to study when she feels she will be most engaged with the curriculum." -- CVVA Parent
"Our student has thrived at CVVA." -- CVVA Parent

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